Polly Edwards Bridal Tiaras & Accessories

‘Infinite – (adj.) ‘in·fi·nite – having no boundaries or limits.’

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I’ve known Polly Edwards for a few years now. She designs beautiful bridal headdresses and tiaras and is a firm favourite of the wedding industry.  Back in 2013 I had the pleasure of working on a shoot with her which produced great results. I was really chuffed when Polly approached me a few weeks back to shoot her latest Infinite collection.

I had a lot of creative freedom on this shoot.  I find I work best when the atmosphere is relaxed, and it always is when working with Polly. We both knew we had to have Jade model for us again. She’s so beautiful, and an absolute dream to work with, both as a model and as a real bride! Next I needed to secure a smart location. Millbridge Court immediately sprung to mind. It’s a new Surrey wedding venue, and one which really impressed me when I attended the launch party recently. It’s contemporary, very stylish, and has amazing light. The interiors are so tastefully put together and provide the perfect backdrop for a shoot, and of course a real wedding, but as any photographer will tell you it’s ALL about the light, and this venue absolutely nails it!

Last of all I needed to find a great hair and makeup artist. Someone who could be relied upon to produce the high standards that a commercial editorial shoot demands. I worked with Antonia Krieger of Elle Au Naturel last year on a real wedding, and I knew she was the lady for the job. She was able to take Polly’s ideas and totally make them work. I would also like to thank Sassi Holford for very kindly providing us with a beautiful lace gown which was the perfect accompaniment to Polly’s designs.

We were joined for the day by Dan from Giraffe Media. The company manage Wedding Ideas Magazine as well as the new Rock N Roll Bride Magazine, and are skippering Polly’s latest media campaign. It was great to get his input and he made a mean reflector holder for the day (as well as sandwich boy). 😉

Thank you to the whole team. It was a super relaxed and highly productive time, and thank you also to Laura and Kellie at Millbridge Court for allowing us the run of the entire venue for the day. I hope it won’t be long before I return. J x


Contemporary wedding venue SurreyJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-15Millbridge Court interior touchesJuliet Mckee Photography - Millbridge Court Photography-1Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-2Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-5Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-4Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-7Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-8Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-14Millbridge Court Wedding venueJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-12Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-20Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-21Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-22Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-6Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-11Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-10Polly Edwards 2015 CollectionsJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-9Polly Edwards Millbridge Court ShootJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-18Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-19Juliet Mckee At Millbridge CourtJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-17

Having checked the entire venue over, I couldn’t wait to get Jade up to the bedroom (in the nicest possible way). I decided I had to get her into bed (again – for all the right reasons). The beds in the guest rooms upstairs have the most amazing rustic headboards and contrasting crisp white sheets. It was fun to mix it up, mess it up, and get some original results. Editorial shoots are a great time to try out new things!

Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-29Rock N Roll Bridal styleJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-27Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-25Millbridge Court Bridal shoot - Juliet Mckee PhotographyJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-26Millbridge Court Juliet mckee Photoshoot-1Millbridge Court  accessory shoot Juliet mckee Photoshoot-1Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-30Polly Edwards 2015 InfiniteJuliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-32Juliet Mckee Photography Polly Edwards at Millbridge Court-31Millbridge Court Photoshoot-1Glastonbury Bridal chic.Polly Edwards headress Juliet mckee Photoshoot-1Alternative bridal hair.

© Juliet Mckee Photography 2015


Polly Edwards – enquire for latest collections and bespoke pieces.

All pieces Polly Edwards Infinite range, apart from multicoloured beaded headdress and pink and white crochet headdress which are one off bespoke pieces from Polly.

Millbridge Court – if you haven’t booked your venue yet please go see!

Elle Au Naturel –  Highly experienced makeup artist and hairdresser.

Sassi Holford –  Stocked throughout the UK, as well as the USA and Japan.

Giraffe Media – Contact Dan Pepperall for all Polly Edwards Media enquiries.